Zoning_July 1972ZONING 1102
Meeting Date
RES. 13670, adopted, calling zoning hearing on
Nov. 1,1972, 3:15 P.M. to consider foregoing
recomme ndation. 7/19/72
Recommendation that Section 8 of Zoning Ordinance No.
1891 be amended so as to establish maximum eleva-
tions of swimming pools in MF Districts, Presented 7/19/72
RES. 13671 adopted calling zoning hearing on
November 1, 1972, 3:30 P.m. to consider the
foregoing recommendation.
Request for rezoning of Lots 12, 13, Block 45,
Alton Beach Realty Co. (S.E.corner of Lincoln
Rd and West Ave.) deferred to 8/2/ at request
of applicant, Atty. M. Mark Margulies.
ZONING 1102A -
Meeting Date
Recommendation of Planning Board that site
plan for dots 12, 13 and 14 Block 84,
3rd Commercial Subdivision N.E.(Ecorner
10 St.and West Ave.) for parking purposes,
be accepted, conditioned on approval of the
revised plan by the Board was presented.
When final recommendation received it will
be presented to Council.
Recommendation that Zoning Ord. be amended
to permit window air conditioning units to
project into ground yard setback a maximum of
12inches presented.
Meeting Date
RES. 13669 adopted, calling zoning hearing
on 11/1/72 at 3 P.M. to consider foregoing
recommendations. 7/19/72