Zoning_August 1972ZONING
City Atty. advised that additional study
was needed to enable him to submit an
ordinance that will meet all legal require-
ments and his report.
Meeting Date
Councilman Greene requested City Atty. submit
ordinance at 9/6/72 meeting.
Report from M.B.Planning Bd. recommending
denial of request of Cuban Hebrew Congrega-
tion for zoning change deferred to 9/6/72
so atty. at -interest could be notified
of Council agenda scheduling. Councilman
Greene asked parties be sent notification.
Meeting Date
RES. 13705 adopted directingPlanning
Bd. to call heaarin6 on proposed amenent
to zoning ordinance re: permitting sidewalk
cafes on Lincoln Rd. Mall and on proposed
Malecon between areas of Indian Creek and
Collins Ave.
Councilman Magnes requested City Atty. to sit
with planning board and apprise them of
legalities and questions, of the Council.
Councilman Haber requested City Atty. to
explore possibility of City's deriving
financial benefit from any operation which might be
permitted under this proposal. 8/16/72
1 _ _ ZONING
Meeting Date
Request for rezoning of Lot 12, Block 45
Alton Beach Realty Co. Sub. (SE corner of
Lincoln Rd & West Ave.) - Council voted
to refer request to Planning Bd. for
public hearing (change from RM -125 Apt.
Hse to C-3 Commercial ) to conform with
zoning on Lot 11 abutting Lincoln Rd. &
West Ave.
Council approved recommendation of Planning Bd.
that request of Cuban Hebrew Congregation to change
zoning on Lots 1, 19 and 20, Block 19, Palm
View Sub (17 St. bet. Lenox & Mich. Ave.) be
denied 9/6/72