Zoning_October 1972ZONING 1107
18sl�a hearing closed and ordinance Meeting Date
Ordinance passed excluding Lots 1-4,Block 25,
Ocean Beach Addition No. 3 from C 1 Business
and including same in RH Hospital District
(Shalom Nursing Home site conversion) 10/4/72
Ord. 1939 adopted, amending Ord. 1891, excluding
from C-1 Use District and including in RH-Hospital
District, Lts 1-4, Block 25, Ocean Beach
Addition No. 3. 10/18/72
A number of persons appeared to protest
closing of Shalom Nursing Home. Atty. J.Berkman
and Mr. S. Carner assured Council establishment
would not close till all patients have relocated. 10/18/72
Meeting Date
Site Plan for 1777 Michigan Ave. (Lots 11,12
and 13, Block 20, Palm View Sub) approved
as recommended by Planning Bd. 10/18/72
Councilman Greene requested that all future
site plan applications set forth names of
principals for Council's information.
Hearing held and concluded on Site Plan for
1701 Michigan Ave. (Lot 20 and S' -z Lot 19,
Block 20, Palm View Sub) approved as recommended
by Planning Bd. sugject to meeting all require-
ments of governing regulations and subject further
to erection of landscaping as opposed to concrete
fencing, as reflected on plans. 10/18/72
Meeting Date
Council requested that renderings submitted
be true and not reflect greenery, etc.
which does not exist. 10/18/72
Renderings are to be filed with records of
building site plans. 10/18/72
Zoning amendment requested and City Atty. was
directed to prepare amendment to zoning ordinance
whereby all drawings must be true and must re-
flect what is proposed to be constructed.