Zoning_October 1972ZONING 1107 18sl�a hearing closed and ordinance Meeting Date Ordinance passed excluding Lots 1-4,Block 25, Ocean Beach Addition No. 3 from C 1 Business and including same in RH Hospital District (Shalom Nursing Home site conversion) 10/4/72 Ord. 1939 adopted, amending Ord. 1891, excluding from C-1 Use District and including in RH-Hospital District, Lts 1-4, Block 25, Ocean Beach Addition No. 3. 10/18/72 A number of persons appeared to protest closing of Shalom Nursing Home. Atty. J.Berkman and Mr. S. Carner assured Council establishment would not close till all patients have relocated. 10/18/72 ZONING 1108 Meeting Date Site Plan for 1777 Michigan Ave. (Lots 11,12 and 13, Block 20, Palm View Sub) approved as recommended by Planning Bd. 10/18/72 Councilman Greene requested that all future site plan applications set forth names of principals for Council's information. 10/18/72 Hearing held and concluded on Site Plan for 1701 Michigan Ave. (Lot 20 and S' -z Lot 19, Block 20, Palm View Sub) approved as recommended by Planning Bd. sugject to meeting all require- ments of governing regulations and subject further to erection of landscaping as opposed to concrete fencing, as reflected on plans. 10/18/72 ZONING 1108A Meeting Date Council requested that renderings submitted be true and not reflect greenery, etc. which does not exist. 10/18/72 Renderings are to be filed with records of building site plans. 10/18/72 Zoning amendment requested and City Atty. was directed to prepare amendment to zoning ordinance whereby all drawings must be true and must re- flect what is proposed to be constructed.