Zoning_October to November 1972ZONING 110$8
Meeting Date
Notices of applications before Planning Bd.
for conditional uses - Hearing 10/25/ filed:
Edward Mehler, 6 unit apt.bldg. at 1720 10/18/72
Michigan Ave. PUD -1
Gladys Klein, nursery -day care center, 10/18/72
1680 West Ave.
Councilman Rosen asked an investigation be made
as to citizens living in stores in South Beach,
and if legislation is required to prevent this,
City Attorney be directed to prepare it. 10/18/72
City Mgr. advised he was unaware of situation
but would investigate and report to Council. 16/18/72
Hearing called to consider recommendations
of Planning Bd. to allow extension of air
conditioners into ground setback areas,
was dropped. Council was advised that this
limitation would prevent property owners from
using larger units with greater tonnage.
Meeting Date
Council voted to refer entire question to M.B.
Planning Bd. and recommendation to Council. 11/1/72
The Planning Bd. was directed by Council to
study matter of location of central air condi-
tioning units in rear yard setbacks as opposed
to side yard set backs, to reduce noise in
the between -building sites. 11/1/72
ORD. 1891 passed, Sec. 10, so as to modify the
required number of off street loading spaces
for multiple family uses, with assessment to be
based on number of units rather than total sq.
footage of bldg. area. 11/1/72