Zoning_November 1972ZONING
to study area and report back to Bd. with
specific proposals in 90 days.
Council voted to defer consideration of this
matter until further report from Planning Bd. 11/15/72
Councilman Weinstein suggested the Bd. not consider
installation of sidewalk cafes or restaurants
as such, but some sort of refreshment stands
where people could obtain drinks and snacks. 11/15/72
Councilman Greene suggested that the Planning
Dept. review the past history of hotels and
restaurants which were open air and which have
closed; suggested further that the ones who
are still in business be consulted also.
Meeting Date
Ord. No. 1942 adopted amending Zoning Ord.
No. 1891, Sec. l0 -lb., so as to modify the
number of off-street loading spaces for
multiple family uses...determination to be
based on number of units as opposed to total
sq. footage of building area. 11/15/72
Ord. No. 1943 adopted, amending Ord. 1891,
Sec. 816.6 so as to establish a maximum
elevation for location of swimming pools (7 feet in
height above sidewalk in MF Districts 1-8):
not to exceed height of the first floor
elevation in MF Districts 9 & 10 and all
single family residential districts. 11/15/72
Meeting Date
Meeting Date
Nnail eao�fntictynAttyedtooawait7outcome 0 of .M.
litigation pending in regard to this property.
(Planning Board recommendation that Lots 1-12,
Block 3, Amended Plat Second Ocean Front property,
be rezoned from RM 100 Multiple Family Medium
High Density to RM -14 Multiple Family Low
Density District). 11/15/72
Letter from Attorney Burnett Roth recommending
continuance of the hearing until after 12/22
was read into the record. 11/15/72
Recommendations made by City Attorney for