Zoning_January to February 1973ZONING
(Road (Sheridan Theatre property, s/w
corner Sheridan Ave. & Arthur Godfrey
Rd.) read into record.
Council voted to refer matter to Planning
Bd. for study and. recommendation.
M.B.Planning Bd. report re: request of Four
Freedoms Nursing Home for rezoning to RH
Hospital District deferred to Mar. 21, 1973,
at request of Four Freedoms' attorney,
Mr. Malvin Englander.
Councilman Magnes, upon advice by City Atty.
that 60 days' prior notice is required for
submission of any Charter changes, withdrew
request that matter be placed on 2/20/73
Meeting Date
ballottuand easkedlectithat it be re=presented
Meeting Date
Request of Food Fiar Stores, Inc. for re-
consideration by Council of 1/3/73 denial
of revised site place for Food Fair Parking
lot - 10 St. & West Ave - to be placed on
agenda of 3/7/73, and City Atty. requested
by Councilman Magnes to provide Council with
opinion as to meaning and use of "contiguous"
property as it is used in zoning ordinance
relating to parking of automobiles. 1/17/73
Notice of reconsideration of item to be
given to all heretofore notified, cost of pub-
lication to be paid by applicant. 1/17/73
Meeting Date
Council adopted RES. no. 73-13892 being a
resolution asking Planning Bd. to hold
public hearing re:limiting accessory use
(restaurants) in apartment houses and apt.
hotels for use of residents only.Councilman
Magnes asked the Planning Bd. review decision
handed down in Carriage House litigation in its
study of the matter.
Request for rezoning of 1 lot on West Side of
Pine Tree Dr., no. of 47 St. from RM -l4
Multiple family low density district, to RM -
100, Multiple -family Medium High Density
district - Attorney Philip Brooks.
Report of Planning & Zoning Director that
request does not comply with area or