Zoning_February 1973ZONING 1125 Meeting Date frontage requirements for a zoning change as established by Zoning Ord. No. 1891 presented. 2/7/73 Motion to place item on 3/7 agenda failed. 2/7/73 Request for rezoning of property at 2028 Prairie Ave. from RS -Single family to an appropriate Apartment and/or hotel use district -Harold and Delfina Adams. Report of Planning & Zoning Director that request does not comply with area or frontage requirements for a zoning change as established by Zoning Ord. 1891 presented. 2/7/73 2/7/73 ZONING 1126 Meeting Date Council voted to place the item on 2/21/73 agenda. 2/7/73 Request withdrawn from agenda for reconsideration of Council's denial of agenda placement on 2-7-73 re: Lot 20, Block 32, Lakeview Sub. This was a request of Atty. Philip Brooks re: rezoning a piece of property on West side of Pine Tree Dr. north of 47th St. 2/21/73 Re: request for zoning change at 2028 Prairie Ave., an attempt was made to explain the require- ments for a zoning change to Mrs. C.Perkins, representing the property owners; but it was not successful. Council agreed to place matter on 3/7 agenda unless Planning & Zoning Director ,aa resolve in interim. 2/21/73 ZONING Communication from M.B.Planning Bd. re- iterating its recommendation that zoning on Brittany Bay property be changed from RM -100 Medium High Density to RM -14 Low Density Multiple Family, presented and will be in- cluded as item on 3/7 agenda re: zoning hearing scheduled on this property. 2/21/73 Councilman Magnes indicated his intention to speak but had retired from meeting when item called). 2/21/73 Res. 73-13929 adopted, calling hearing on March 21, 1973, at 2:30 p.m. to consider recommendation of Planning Board for amendment 2/21/73 to Zoning Ordinance 1891, re: swimming pool setbacks_ 1127 Meeting Date