Zoning_March to April 1973ZONING 1131 Meeting Date granted conditional use as recommended by Planning Bd. with add'1. conditions imposed by lotcoonnLcotg lfe:1 fevi14d Blockp8e+n 3or parking Commercial subdivision N.E.corner 10 St. & West Ave. 3/21/7: Request of Atty. Kenneth Oka for Council's re- consideration of its rejection on 12/6/72 of Miami Beach Planning Bd. recommendation that Helene Properties (1030-40 15 St.) be rezoned from RS -4, Single family residential district, to RM -60 multiple family medium density district. Res. 73-13960 adopted and hearing 4/11/73 at 2 PM, but inability to meet legal advertising date will require re -setting of hearing to later date. 3/21/73 ZONING Consideration of M.B.Planning Bd. idea that Lots 1 -4, Block 69, Lincoln Subdiv. and Lots 1 & 24, Block 93, Ocean Beach addition No. 3. (Also known as Helene Proper- ties, 1030-40 It St.) be rezoned from RS -4 Single family residential district to RM -60 Multiple family medium density district, hearing called on 5/2/73. Also will hear Resolution rescinding Res. 73-13960 and calling public hearing for 5/2/73. Amending Ord. 1891 to change swimming pool setback requirements. Ord. 73-1957 1132 Meeting Date 4/11/73 4/11/73 ZONING 1133 Meeting Date M.B. Planning Bd. recommendation that zoning Ord. 1891 be amended to provide regulations for central air conditioners. Res. 73-13976 adopted. Public hearing 6/6/73 4/11/73 M.B.Planning Bd. recommendation that zoning Ord. 1891 be amended to provide for visual barriers for swimming pools. Scheduled for 6/6/73. Res. 73-13975 4/11/73 Resolution asking planning commission to hold public hearing (Ord. 1891) re: charter excursion boats asked by Councilman Magnes. Deferred to 4/18/73. 4/11/73