Zoning_May 1973ZONING 1137
Meeting Date
Request for resolution re: M.B.Planning
Commission to hold public hearing pursuant
to zoning ordinance 1891 re: charter excursion
boats or vessels deferred to 5/16/73 5/2/73
M.B.Planning Bd. report re request of Four
Freedoms Nursing Home for rezoning to RH-Hospital
District deferred to 5/16/73. 5/2/73
M.B.Planning Bd. report rejecting application
for zoning change of 4 Freedoms Nursing Home
to RH-Hospital district. 5/16/73
Amending zoning Ord. 1891 to rezone from RS -4,
single family residential dist. to Rm-60, Multiple
family medium density dist., Lots lthru 4,
gMeeting Date
Bock 69,3OceaolBeachdAdd'n.L#3s(also2known
as Helene Properties 1030 15th St. Ord.
passed and scheduled for hearing & second
reading 6/6/73 5/16/73
Request the M.B.Planning Commission to hold a
public hearing pursuant to Ord. 1891 re: charter
excursion boats or vessels deferred to 6/6/73. 5/16/73
Inquiry into possibility of non-compliance of
Tower 41 (Manilow Property) with building
permit and zoning ordinance requirements. With
respect to Haber's inquiry whether parking
facilities in setback from Indian Creek Drive
were violative of City's laws, it was said by
Meeting Date
City Atty. that plans show compliance with law of
October 3, 1968; he had asked Chief Bldg.
Inspector of have survey made to determine the
grade, and would report back to Council.
Public Works Dir. Bergacker advised Council
7.5+ was grade used. Dr. Haber asked that
Public Works Dir. have survey made of height above grade o
parking garage and other structures in setback
area and to advise Council. City Mgr. and City
Atty. asked to review provisions of new zoning
ord. and return with ideas for improving the
provisions of setback areas. When report are
received from Public Wks. Dir. and City Atty.
re: items involved, City Mgr. will tell Council. 5/16/73