Zoning_June to July 1973ZONING
Meeting Date
Helene Properties, 1030-40 15th St.) 6/6/73
Deferred to next meeting is request the
M.B.Planning Commission to hold a public
hearing pursuant to Ord. 1891 re: chartering
excursion Boats or vessels.
Proposal that Shalom Nursing Home property
(Lots 1 thru 4, Block 93, Ocean Beach Add'n.
No.3) be rezoned from RH-Hospital district,
back to its original C-1 use district, deferred
to next meeting. 6/6/73
Correspondence from Zoning Bd. of Adjustment
re: waiving of off-street Parking Spaces on low
rent housing project deferred to next meeting. 6/6/73
Meeting Date
M.P. Planning Bd. recommendation that zoning
Ord. 1891 be amended re: restaurants and
dining rooms in apartments and apt. hotels
to be operated as accessory use solely for
tenants deferred to next meeting. 6/6/73
Ord. 73-1961 adopted amending Sec. 8-1-B of
Zoning Ord. 1891 to provide for visual
barriers for swimming pools. 6/29/73
Ord. 73-1962 amending zoning Ord. 1891 to
provide regulations for central air conditioners. 6/29/73
proposal that Shalom Nursing Home property (Lots
1 thru 4, Block 93, Ocean Beach Addition No.3)
be rezoned from RH Hospital District, back to
its original C-1 use district. Removed from agenda 6/29/73
at request of Councilman Rosen. No future
agenda scheduled.
Meeting Date
M.B.Planning Bd. recommendation that zoning
Ord. 1891 be amended relative to restaurants
and dining rooms in apartment houses and apt.
hotels deferred to 7/18/73
Referred to Marine Advisory Bd. request that
MBPlanning Commission hold a public hearing
re: charter excursion boats or vessels.
M.B.Planning Bd. recommendation that Zoning Ord.
No. 1891 be amended re: restaurants and dining
rooms in apt. houses and apt. hotels, deferred
to 8/1/73. 7/18/73