Zoning_June to August 1973ZONING 11/45A
Bids for Lincoln Road Mall Improvement from 6/29/73
Washington to Drexel Avenues, MP -53 (deferred
from 6/6/73). Awarded, C.A. Davis, Inc.,
$99,600. Res. #73-14044 adopted calling
public hearing on 9/5/73 at 2:00 p.m, on
Sidewalk Cafes. Funding -Sole bidder has
agreed to reduce bid by $10,000 (from $109,600
to $99,600). Present budget - $50,000. TDA
has agreed to contribute $10,000. From Present
Year Contingency Fund - $30,000. To be budgeted
in 1973-74 Budget - Balance of approx. $10,000.
Councilman Weinstein requested Administration to
enforce all applicable zoning regulations on
Lincoln Road Mall. (See Lincoln Road Mall)
Meeting Date
Memo 4108 -Selection of Consultant to conduct
housing survey re: HUD 701 Planning and
Management Assistance Grant, deferred to
8/1/73 7/18/73
Ord. 1891 to be amended re: restaurants and
dining rooms in apt. houses and apt. hotels
deferred to 8/8/73. 8/1/73
Res 10/3//.573-14078tconsider hearingcdeletionpoTlworct
"primarily" in Secs. 7-3 and 7-3A.6, relating toOrd.
1891 and restaurants as accessory uses in apts. &
apt. -hotels. 8/8/73
City Atty. requested by Councilman Magnes to
make available to Council recent decision of
Meeting Date
Court of Appeals re: Arthree Corp.(Carriage
House) case, on subject of restaurants and
dining rooms in apartment houses and apt.
Hearing to consider adoption of an Ord. amend-
ing Ord. 1891, to permit sidewalk cafes on
Lincoln Rd. Mall concluded. Proposed Ord. to
City Atty. for changes as suggested by Council
and presentation to Council at 9/19/73 meeting. 9/5/73
Request of Atty. Stanley Bartel, for owners of
property from 76th St. to 79th St. on west side
of Collins for rezoning to multiple use. Appli-
cation filed directly with Planning Bd. Public
hearing 10/24/73 at 3:30 P.M.