Zoning_September 1973ZONING 1148 Meeting Date Notice of application for conditional use by Southern Bell Telephone & Tel.Co. to allow use of Lots 1 thru 4, Block 69, Lincoln Sub- division, and Lots 1 and 24, Block 93, Ocean Beach Addition No. 3 (15th St. between Lenox and Michigan Aves.) zones RM -60 multiple family medium density district, to be used as off- street parking in association with the planned 3rd floor addition to the business office located at 16th St. and Lenox Ave. Application filed with Planning Bd., public hearing 9/25/73. 9/5/73 Consideration of reduction in density on Collins Ave. from Gov't. Cut to 87 St. Terrace on both sides of street, referred to Planning Bd. for ZONING (continued) public hearing and recommendations. Ordinance passed on first reading; scheduled for next reading 10/3/73 providing amendment to zoning Ord. 1891 to permit sidewalk cafes on Lincoln Road Mall. Proposal to amend zoning Ordinance to permit sale of cut flowers from stands on Lincoln Road Mall and other appropriate areas of City, as a conditional use, referred to Planning Bd. for public hearing and recommendation. 1149 Date 9/12/73 9/19/73 9/19/73 ZONING Proposal to consider the establishment of multiple family zoning and appropriate maximum density regulations on property presently occupied by M. B. Boat Slips, referred to Planning Bd. for public hearing and recom- mendation. 1149A Date 9/19/73 A hearing to consider deletion of work "primarily" appearing in Sect. 7-3 and 7-3A.6 relating to restaurants as accessory uses in apartments and apartment hotels. Ordinance given first reading but failed of passage by vote of 4 to 3. 10/3/73