Zoning_January 1974ZONING
Meeting Date
Planning Bd. recommendation that zoning
ordinance be amended to establish a minimum
size for commercial swimming pools. Hearing
continued to 1/23/74.
Discussion as to whether C-3 zoning permits
surgeons in Medical Arts Center of Miami Beach,
now being constructed on Lots 10-12, Block 38,
Palm View Subdiv. (1680 Michigan Ave.) to per-
form minor surgical procedures which may require
overnight stay by out-patients for post-operative
care, as requested by Mr. F.Anderson, Sales
Director of Medical Arts Center, deferred to 2/6/74.
On 2/5, City Mgr's office said Mr. Anderson 1/16/74
withdrew from 2/6/74 agenda. 1/16/74
Proposal that City Council refer to the
Planning Bd. for a public hearing and
recommendation on amending the zoning
ordinance to prohibit residential uses in
business districts. Considered during
discussion of Item R -2C.
Meeting Date
Proposal that City Council refer to Planning
Bd. for a public hearing and recommendation
on amending the zoning ordinance to reduce the
density in the existing RM -60 use district by
deleting same, and to create in lieu thereof a
new use district to be known as the RM -25
district orch district as they may determine.
Referred to Planning Bd.
Meeting Date
Public hearingbefore the Planning Bd. on
application oLawrence Aberman and Ernest
Mandel for zoning change from C-1 to RM -125,
for property at 775 Dade Blvd., set for 1/30/74. 1/16/74
Public hearing before Planning Bd. on recom-
mendation of Bd. of Adjustment for amendment
to zoning ordin. with reference to pool decks in
rear yard setbacks, and minimum sideyards, set
for 1/30/74.
Hearing before Plan'g. Bd. on application by
Bethany B. Vickers for conditional use for day
nursery at 7141 Indian Creek Dr. 1/30/74 1/16/74