Zoning_February 1974ZONING 1169 Meeting Date Consideration of Planning Bd. recommendation of approval of site plan in PUD -1 1744 Jefferson Ave. (Lots 5 & 6, Bi'. 20, Palm View Subd.) for a 2 -story, 12 -unit apt. bldg. Hearing concluded. Site plan as recommended by Planning Bd. and Administration approved. Consideration of Planning Bd. recommendation on site plan in PUD -1 district at 1776 Jefferson Ave. (Lots 9-10, B1. 20, Palm View Subd.) for 12 -unit apartment building. Hearing concluded. Site plan as recommended by Planning Bd. and Administration approved. 2/6/74 2/6/74 ZONING 1170 Request by Dr. Harold Martin to discuss Meeting Date alleged City Code violations at 2128 North Bay Rd. Administration directed to enforce all provisions of Zoning Ordinance and City Code. 2/6/74 Request by Smathers & Thompson, attys. for owners of Lots 4,7,8,9,10,11,12, Block 0, Normandy Beach South Subd. that ten -ft. East- West alley existing along north lot lines of lots 7,8,9,10 and the South lot line of Lot 11, be abandoned and in exchange, owners dedicate a ten -ft. alley on the north 10 ft. of Lot 12, and City Atty. rendered opinion that action must be taken on vacation of public alley prior to consideration of conditional use and site plan. Public hearing called for 3/20/74 at 3:00 P.M. to consider ZONING abandonment of alley. 1171 Meeting Date 2/6/74 Res. 74-14265 adopted, calling a Public Hearing on 3/6/74, 3:00 P.M., to consider the recommendations of the Planning Bd. that Lots 4 through 13, Amended Plat Resub. of Lot 1, Block 1, Mid -Golf Sub. (commonly known as The Boulevard Hotel, 775 Dade Bld). be rezoned from C-1 (Neighborhood Business District) to RM -125 (Multiple Family High Density District): OR that subject property be placed in a new district to be created which would be for hotel use exclusively. 2/6/74