Zoning_February to March 1974ZONING 1172 Meeting Date Hearing called for 3/6/74 re: planning Bd. recommendation of approval of a request by Bethany Vickers for a conditional use (day nursery) to be located at Block 3, Normandy Beach South, that being 7141 Indian Creek Drive. 2/6/74 Res. 74-14266 adopted calling Public hearing on 3/6/74 to consider amendments to Zoning Ord. 1891, as recommended by Planning Bd. including swimming pools and sum of side yard width shall be at least 25% of lot width, but no side yard adjacent to a street shall be less than 15 ft.etc. 2/6/74 ZONING 1173 Meeting Date Ord. 74-1984 adopted. Amends Sec.8-1.B6 of Zoning Ord. 1891 to establish minimum size for commercial swimming pools. 2/20/74 West of Biarritz Dr., South of Tract 65 and North of Tract 46A, across from Normandy Golf Course Club House, for development for park and recreational purposes incl. tennis courts. Public hearing 2/28/74 2/20/74 Mesivta Sr. H.S. of Greater Miami, Flamingo Dr. opposite West 25 St., Lot 5, Block 9, Flamingo Terrace extension - rezone for use as boys' high school. Hearing 2/28/74. 2/20/74 ZONING 1173A Meeting Date To consider recommendation of Planning Bd. for conditional use (day nursery) at 7141 Indian Creek Dr. Hearing concluded. Approved. Conditional use does not in- clude area delineated to be dedicated public street. Adm. to notify Montessori Children's House to immed. cease and desist use of public property at street end. Adm. instructed to investigate development of this street end for public use. Mayor Hall req. Adm. to investigate areas where public property is being used for private purposes and possible dev. of some of these areas for public use. 3/6/74