Sewage Disposal and Treatment_1980AIR CONDITIONING Book Page Contract for air conditioning equipment awarded to Hogan Air Conditioning $720.00 (City Clerk's Office 2-6-57 39 113 Contract for (2) one h.p. reverse cycle air conditioning units for Recreation Dept. office at Flamingo Park awarded to C. E. Morgan, $428.00 1-20-60 42 439 Contract for removal of existing cooling tower and installing new one for air conditioning system at M.B. City Hall awarded to New Miami Beach Refrigerating, Inc., $3,732.00 12-7-60 43 357 AIR CONDITIONING Book Page Contract for 5 -ton watercooled air- conditioning unit, complete with cooling tower, for Police Traffic School awarded to Dunham Bush, Inc. $1,155.00 5-16-62 44 508 Contracts awarded to: Buyama Refr i gerat ion, Inc., Item 1, for $3,030; Sam L. Hamilton, Inc., Item 2, $815; Tempco Air Conditioning, Inc., item 3, $903.96 (air conditioning units for City Hall). 53 202 5-15-68 $3,650 expenditure to return ducts in Convention Hall Expansion to positions prior to GOP Convention. Contract awarded to United Sheet Metal Company. 9-4-68 53 444