Air Conditioning_February to March 1975AIR-CONDITIONING (CONTRACTS) 5 Date Memo #4950, air conditioning of Biscayne Ele- 1/15/75 mentary School Cafeteria, MP -84, deferred to 2/5/75 meeting Memo #4962, air conditioning of Biscayne Elem. School Cafeteria, MP -84, (deferred from 1/15/75) awarded, Solo Air Conditioning, quoting $24,500. for cooling & heating. School Brd. to be included in insurance coverage and Release of Lien by contractor, and all war- ranties ar- ranties and guarantees shall be to the School Brd. of Dade Co. (LTC 57-75) . 2/5/75 BID AWARD FOR AIR CONDITIONING OF B I S CAYNE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CAFETERIA -Councilman Dr. Haber requested a report from the Admin. AIR-CONDITIONING, (CONTRACTS) 6 (cont'd) Date concerning the award of this contract in v i ew of communication from low bidder that his bid had been vacated and award made to a higher bidder. Mayor Rosen indicated that an objection had been raised by the Air Con- ditioning on- ditioning Assoc., of the State of Fla., and he requested a written explanation of the City's procedures. V, _ M. Meyerson requested the City Manager to review the procedure of award to determine whether a low bidder is notified that he is not the successful bidder so that he may be present at the meeting when the award is made to voice objections, if he has any. City Mgr. advised that this award Is being reviewed and that a report would be AIR-CONDITIONING (CONTRACTS) (cont'd) submitted to Council. He also indicated that the contract had not been executed, and that execution would be held up until the next Council meeting. Discussion of protests of bid award for air conditioning of Biscayne Elementary School Cafeteria, bid No. 4-75, awarded 2/5/75. Deferred to 3/19/75. Objectors to be notified of Council consideration of this matter. Discussion of protests of bid award for air conditioning of Biscayne Elem. School Cafe- teria, afe- teria, (deferred from 3/12/75), bid No. 4-75, awarded 2/5/75. Award of bid to Solo Air 7 Date 2/19/75 3/12/75