Automobiles & Trucks_January to July 1959AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS 38 Book Page Award of contract for 6 garbage trucks and 6 garbage bodies to International Harvester on 9/17/58 rescinded and contract awarded to Hunt Truck Sales & Service, second low bidder. 1_7_59 41 276 Contract for station wagon for Beach Patrol awarded to Cecil Holland Ford, $2,340.92 3-4-59 41 420 Contracts for One 2 ton, pickup truck, One 3/4 ton pickup truck chassis, and One 3/4 ton utility truck body awarded 14-1-59 41 X62 AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS 39 Book Page Contracts for 1 truck tractor and gasoline semi trailer awarded. 5-6-59 42 60 Contract for pick-up truck for Water Dept, awarded to Vic Potamkin, $1,528.13 6-17-59 42 123 Bids for truck chassis�ej'ec�ed� and readvertisement authorized. 6-17-59 42 124 Contract for one -ton pickuptruck for Beach Patrol awarded t Cecil Holland Ford, $1,829.00 7-15-59 42 187 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS Contracts awarded - purchase of6 new motorcycles and sale of used cycles 40 Book Page 10-21-59 42 336 Contracts awarded for one ton truck cab and chassis, and one ton truck utility body, for Recreation Dept. 10-21-59 42 336