Sewer User Fee_July to December 1960AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 44 Book Page Contract for "Truckster Type" electric motor scooter with stake body for Park Dept. awarded to Dade Cushman, $1,176.50 7-6-60 43 125 Contract for Steam Jenny, less trade-in, awarded to Penton Sheperd, $704.62 net. 7-6-60 43 125 Contract for truck chassis and garbage body awarded to Tutan Motors, $5,379.10 and Tom Wood Truck Equipment, $5,560.00 respectively. 10-5-60 43 257 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 45 Book Page Contract for 14 police cars awarded to Deel Ford, $27,998.74 11-16-60 43 327 Contractsfor 3/4 ton truck chassis and body for Sewer Dept. awarded 11-23-60 43 347 Contract for automotive equipment for Beach Patrol awarded to Deel Ford, Inc. Item 1 - $1,533.54; Item 2 - $1,649.50 12-21-60 43 370 Contract for automobile for Fire Dept. awarded to Deel Motors, $1,383.24 for 64A Ford Falcon Sedan 1-4-61 43 381 AUTOMOBILES & TRUCKS 46 Book Page Contract for pick up truck for Park Dept. awarded to Vic Potamkin, $1,689,33 for Chevrolet. 2-1-61 43 417 Contract for 21,000 lb. GVW cab and chassis for Sewer Dept. awarded to Howe E. Moredock, $3,157.46 3-15-61 44 5 Contract for pick up truck for Engineering Dept. awarded to Spitzer Motors, $1,405,00 4-19-61 44 58 Contract for 1 tractor, 1 front-end loader, and 1 backhoe for Water Dept. operations awarded to Parsons Co . , $5,110.73 5-17-61 44 75