sewage Disposal And Treatment_January 1980 (2)SrviAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT Memo #7972, Contract 5 for facilities for transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change Order No. 5-5, (additional work), amount: increase $14,046.98, extension of time: None, approved. (See Sewage Transmission Facilities (Contracts)) Memo #7973, Contract 5 for facilities for transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change Order No. 5-6, amount: decrease $57,953.37, extension of time: None, a roved. (See Sewage Transmission Facilities Contracts)) SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT Memo #7974, Contract 6A for facilities for transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change Order No. 6A-5, (decrease in contract) amount: decrease $27,375.00, extension of time: None, approved. (See Sewage Transmission Facilities (Contracts)) 116 Date 1/7770 1/16/80 111 Date 1/1 80 Memo #7975, Contract 6B for facilities for 1/16/80 transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change Order No. 6B-3, (decrease in contract) amount: decrease $108,000.00, extension of time: None, approved. (See Sewage Transmission Facilities (Contracts)) S MAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT Memo #7976, Contract 6B for facilities for transmitting sewage to Va. Key, P-19, Change Order No. 6B-4, (additional work) amount: increase $23,273.00, extension of time: None, approved. Mayor Meyerson referred to benefits which will accrue to Fisher Island Associates by virtue of sewer line installation and asked for a review by City Atty. and Administration as to possible payment to City because of such benefits. Public Works Director stated that in event this City services Fisher Island with sewage facilities, they will have to pay their proportionate share of the cost. (See Sewage Transmission Facilities (Contracts)) 112 Date 1/71 -67 -go