Sewage Disposal And Treatment_January to March 1980SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 116 Date Memo #7989, Res. #80-16161 adopted, authori- 1/16/80 zing execution of settlement agreement with Widell Assoc., Inc., regarding damage to Pumping Station 23, serving Park View Island, as follows: (1) the contractor will repair station in accordance with directions of Con- sulting on- sulting Engineer; (2) of the total cost of approximately $160,000 to repair station, con- tractor and sub -contractors will bear all but $50,000 of costs; (3) City will contribute $25,000 towards repairs; (4) by separate agree- ment, Consulting Engineer will contribute $25,000 towards repairs; (5) all parties involved will mutually release all other parties; SWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 117 (continued) Date (6) an extension of time will be granted to allow for repair. (See related Item C-61, Memo #7978, this date) *(NOTE: Letter of 1/31/80; Res. #80-16161 and agreement filed with Va. Key Sewage Contracts, P-19, 6 & 66- 54" Force Mai n;q'Proj ct C 120491020) . (See Park View Island) 1/16/80 (NOT ON AGENDA) Memo #8055, sewage connection 2/20/80 for Fisher Island. Deferred to March 5, 1980. (See Fisher Island) SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 118 Date Memo #8055, sewage connection for Fisher Island. 3/5/80 Administration's recommendation approved. City Atty. to investigate possibility of additional recovery of funds from developers of Fisher Island in relation to total cost of trans- mission line to Va. Key and its passing through Fisher Island. (See Fisher Island) Request of Commissioner Mildred Falk for dis- 3/19/80 cussion of following: "To reiterate City's position as expressed in M.B. City Commission Hearing of Nov. 9, 1977, and summarized on Pages 32 and 35 of Commission's action. The need exists for a full judicial hearing of the scientific merits of the proposal offered