Sewage Disposal And Treatment_May to June 1981SEWAGE DISPOSALAND TREATMENT 131 Date Memo 9027, Contract 6B for "Facilities for trans- 5/20/81 mitting sewage to Virginia Key, P-19"; Change Ord. No. 6B-6 (decrease in work) approved; Amt. of decrease $123,040.01 - to be credited to W.O. #2603, the 10.5 million dollar bond issue of 11/2/71, and EPA Grant #C-120401020. No time extension. (see SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACS. CONTRS.) Memo 9028, Contract 6B for "Facilities for trans- 5/20/81 mitting sewage to Virginia Key, P-19"; Change Ord. No. 6B-7 (increase in work), approved; Amt. of increase $7,717.57 - funding to be frm. W.O. #2603, the 10.5 million dollar 11/2/71 bond issue, & EPA Grant #C-120401020. No extension of time. (see SEWAGE TRANSMISSIQN FACILITIES (Contracts) SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 132 Date Memo 9029, Contract 6B for "Facilities for trans- 5/20/81 mitting sewage to Virginia Key, P-19"; Final contract reduction, approved (liquidated damages due to delay in contract completion); Decrease amt. $25,750 - funds to be credited to W.O. #2603, the 10.5 million dollar 11/2/71 bond issue, & EPA Grant #C-120401020. No extension of time. (see SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES [CONTRACTS]) Memo 9037, request for additional appropriation 5/20/81 to complete facilities for transmitting sewage to Virginia Key, P-19. Admin. recommendation that $379,000 of the unappropriated funds of the $10.5 million 11/2/71 Bond Issue be appropriated, approved. Appropriations as follows: SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 133 (Cont'd) Date $ 44,000 - spare parts (previously expended) 5/20/81 135,000 - additional spare parts 100,000 - additional equipment 50,000 - system design and construction, administration, and inspection 50,000 - additional services (see SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES [CONTRACTS]) Comm. Falk distributed copies of 6/2/81 letter to 6/3/81 Comm. frm. Joseph Abelow, Pres. of RITE - Research Improves the Environment, Inc., advising of favorable Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling w/respect to litigation over the deep current assimilation method of sewage disposal. C. Mgr. to schedule matter for 11 a.m. Time Certain on 6/17/81 agenda. Mayor