Sewage Disposal And Treatment_June 1981SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT (Cont'd) Meyerson suggested that in the interim, RITE Att. Joe Fleming & Mr. Abelow meet w/Admin. & C. Att. in an effort to delineate the objectives & goals, considering the court's mandate. 134 Date 6/3/81 Presentation by Joseph Abelow, Pres., & Joe Fleming 6/17/81 Att. for R.I.T.E, Inc., regarding the ramifications of the 5th Circuit Crt. of Appeals favorable ruling w/respect to the "Deep Current Assimilation" method of sewage disposal. Messrs. Abelow & Fleming reviewed the effect of the court decision. They requested the City consider employment of Linton Lovett as special counsel to explore all avenues which may be available to the City in connection w/a poss. deep current assimilation project, and in this SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 135 (Cont'd) Date connection to also employ James Carpenter of the 6/17/81 Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science as consultant, as outlined in Mr. Abelow's 6/17/81 letter. Motion "for the C. Att. to meet w/Mr. Lovett and to authorize up to $10,000, conditional upon the C. Att. meeting w/Mr. Lovett & coming back w/an express contr. of employment" carried. Mayor Meyerson suggested that mems. of the Admin., & Messrs. Abelow & Fleming if they wish, be included in the mtg. to determine course of action open to accomplish joint goals; C. Att. to submit recommen- dation for 7/8/81 meeting. /^/ Mayor Meyerson advised of a telephone call frm. //7 /k/ Eric Sisser, Fla. Legislative representative, SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 136 (Cont'd) Date that both the FL House & Senate had approved the 6/17/81 Claims Bill relating to abandonment of MB Ocean Sewage Outfall Line, whereby the City would receive $1,047,217 in settlement of its claim, and that the Bill was bef. the Gov. for signing. The monies will be paid to the City after 10/1/81. (see FLORIDA, STATE OF) Mayor Meyerson advised of info. received over this 6/29/81 past weekend which prompted his calling this special mtg. Eric Sisser, the City's FL Legisla- tive Rep., appeared & advised of his contacts w/Legislative Delegations of Dade & other coastal counties as well as w/Legislators in an effort to