Sewage Disposal And Treatment_November 1981 to March 1982SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 143 (Cont'd) Date Inc., consulting engrs., authorizing up to 11/18/8] $15,000 in expenditures for feasibility studies & expert witness servs. in connection w/City's proposed Deep Current Sewage Assimilation project. (see ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) C. Att. Memo 9351, proposed settlement, Poole & 11/18/81 Kent Co. vs. CMB. C. Att. was auth. to direct Sp. Counsel to settle Poole & Kent Co's claims against City for 1) damages for delay in const. start because Pump Sta. 28 force main was not located as shown on plans, resulting in need for plan mods., and 2) addl. comp. becuase of presence of lg. boulders not anticipated at Sta. location, for tot. of $12.5,000. Appropriation from 11/2/71 $10,000,000 SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 144 (Cont'd) Date Sewage Treatment & Transmission Bond Fund, auth. 11/18/81 Comm. Singer requested C. Att. to furnish Comm. members w/status rep. on pending litigation involving lg. sums of money. (see SUITS AGAINST THE CITY, CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE) Revised Memo 14-82, request for appropriation & 1/6/82 establishing a renewal & replacement fund for Sanitary Sewer Syst. Sanitary Sewer Renewal & Replacement Fund established & transfer of unallocated funds from 1980/81 Genl. Fund Sewer & Replacement Acct. & the $246,080 appropriated in 1981/82 Genl. Fund Cap. Replacement/Sewer Acct., to this newly -created fund, approved. (see 1980/81 BUDGET, 1981/82 BUDGET) SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT 145 Date Memo 23-82, rev. of City's policy pertaining to 1/6/82 water & sewer serv. areas outside City limits; not reached - deferred to 1/20/82. (see WATER) Memo 153-82, ord. amd'g. Code §45-20.2 to incr. 3/17/82 sanit. sewer serv. chg. imposed by City upon all premises connected to or using City's sanit. sewer syst., from 51per 1,000 gals. to 61C per 1,000 gals.; auth'g. pmt. to Dade Co.; repealing all ords. in conflict; providing for effective date. City's Sp. Legal Counsel, Linton R. Lovett, appeared rev'd. need for amd'g. rate structure, & recommended adop- tion of ord. Ord. passed on 1st reading. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 4/21/82 at 2 p.m. Mr. Lovett recommended that City take steps to make