Sewage Disposal And Treatment_June to November 1982SEWAGE'DTSPOSAL'AND TREATMENT (Cont'd) SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES [CONTRACTS]) '149 Date 6/16/82 Memo 397-82, proposed settlement of pending liti- 6/16/82 gation w/Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Auth. (WASA). Res. 82-17043 adopted, auth'g. execution of agreement w/WASA. (see METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY, WATER) Memo 649-82, ord. amdg. Code §45-20.2 to incr. 10/6/82 the sanitary sewer serv. chg. imposed by City upon all premises connected to or using City's sanitary sewer syst., fr. 61¢ per 1,000 gals. to 78i per 1,000 gals. Ord. 82-2344 adopted as an emergency measure; to be applied to accts. on or after SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT (Cont'd) 12/1/82. Comr. Dr. Haber suggested that 6% cr. allowed for water used which does not enter the sewer syst., was inadequate. C. Mgr. stated he will investigate & submit rep. & recommendation. (see WATER) Memo 71R-82, Contr. 6A for facilities for trans- 11/3/82 mitting sewage to Virginia Key, P-19. Final contr. reduction rev'd. to $11,750 instead of $27,500 and time extension of 63 days, approved. (see SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES [CONTRS.]) 150 Date 10/6/82 Memo 719-82, Contr. 6B for facilities for trans- 11/3/82 mitting sewage to Virginia Key, P-19. Final contr. reduction rev'd. to $3,250 instead of EWA DISPO$At ANb TREATMENT Date (Cont'd) 11/3/82 $25,750 and time approved. (see FACILITIES (CONTRS.)) extension SEWAGE 151 of 90 days, TRANSMISSION 5/2/84 Memo 272-84, Res. 84-17727 adopted, auth'g R -7A the incumbent C Mgr (pres. Rob W. Parkins) to perform acts and execute provisions necessary for City to receive grant payt fr. Environmental Protection Agency for Sanitary Sewer improvements to transmit sewage to be treated at Virginia Key. (see U.S. GOVT., CITY MANAGER)