Sewage And Disposal Treatment_June 1985 to June 1986SEWAGE AND DISPOSAL TREATMENT 155 Date (Cont'd) 6/26/85 contr. amt: $15,936. Pub. Wks. Dir. auth. C -4D to issue change orders, reallocate budgeted items, and approve requests for addnl servs. w/in limits of project budget. *Prior to above action, proposed agreement amd'd to delete last sentence of Art. III - Comp. reading, "Hourly rates shall conform to the range specified in Attachment C, paragraph C.9." (see SEWER USER FEE, WATER) 6/4/86 Discussion re. deep ocean sewage outfall. R -9D R#86-18472 adopted, forwarded to Co. asking them to go forward w/its 301H application to Fed. Govt. to extend the outfall, per recom- SEWAGE AND DISPOSAL TREATMENT 156 Date (Cont'd) 6/4/86 mendation of Atty Linton Lovett, however, if R -9D Co. does not reinstate application, motion has been filed asking that City be given 120 days to investigate desirability of substi- tuting MB in application. (see METRO DADE COUNTY) 6/18/86 VM Grenald advised Res. 86-18472 (adopted R -11F 6/4/86) asking Metro Dade Co. to proceed w/301H application to Fed. govt. to extend deep ocean sewage outfall, was refined & transmitted to the Co. (see METRO DADE CO.) SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT NOTE: All entries pertaining to contracts for sewage transmission facilities should be filed under both, SEWAGE TRANSMISSION FACILITIES (Contracts) and SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT.