Golf Course Contracts_September 1975 to June 1976GOLF COURSE CONTRACTS 41
(cont'd) Date
awarded, lowest bidders meeting specs., Clarke
Chemical Corp., Items 1 & 2, quoting $2445.00;
W. R. Grace & Co., Item 3, quoting $505.50; and
Woodbury Chemical Co., Item 4, quoting $321.60;
total bid $3,272.10. 9/17/75
Memo #5406, assorted fertilizers for Golf
Courses awarded, W. R. Grace & Co., Items 1 &
2, quoting $5,702.50; Hector Turf & Garden,
Inc., Item 3, quoting $5,620.00, for total of
Memo #5541, two riding mowers for Golf Course 2/18/76
Div. awarded De Bra Turf & Industrial Equipment
Co. quoting total bid of $4,898.00.
Memo #5614, rejection of bid No. 34-76, Nor- 4/7/76
mandy Golf Course Concession. Bid rejected.
Admin. authorized to readvertise on basis of
revised specifications. Councilman Weinstein
suggested that, in the future, if City receives
unacceptable bids, the Admin. explore feasibility
of operating pro shop concession and look to
other areas of operating remainder of concession
items. Mayor Rosen suggested that Admin. explore
possibility of leasing to private industry all
phases of City's golf course operations, in-
cluding care and maintenance.
Memo #5692, Normandy Golf Course Concession
contract from 7/1/76 to 9/4/78, (deferred from
(continued) Date
5/5/76 awarded high bidder Ahern of Fla.,
Inc., $10i,m0.U0 from 7/1/76 to 9/4/78, con-
tract to provide that it may be assigned only
upon approval of City Council. Res. #76-15041
adopted, authorizing execution of agreement. 5/19/76
Memo #5708, 4 pressure relief valves and 4
electric pressure recorders for Golf Course
Irrigation Systems, awarded, Southern. Meter
and Supply Co., quoting $2,091.60 for valves;
Gagliotti Precision Instrument, quoting
$968.00 for recorders.
Change orders for enclosure of Bayshore Golf 6/16/76
Course Clubhouse patio, approved as follows: