Sewage Disposal_April to July 1948 July to August 1971SEWAGE DISPOSAL Sewage treatment: Agenda of 7-21 re facilities (Mayor). Mr. Greene requested photos of Unox plant. City Mgr to report re Metro meeting of 7-12. Public notice to be given (Mayor) . ...Magnes requested info re "input" from County Mgr Goode. Sewage deferred to 8-4. ...City Mgr to meet with State, County officials to present,recommend firm plan to CC, attempt to extend deadline; Greene requested objective summary, dollar alternatives. City Mgr to consult with engineering firms (Powell) to review City's final decision. 19 Meeting date 7-7-71 7-21-71 8-4-71 SEWAGE DISPOSAL Treatment plant: City Mgr to attend State Pollutn Bd meeting 8-16, will advise them of CMB -Metro joining, will request, thru CC,addtl•time and Bd's guidance. RES.13336, renewing agreement with Surf- side, from 8-10-71. Pla t: Treatment City Mgr to hold spec.meet'g 8-23. .... CMB to contract with Miami for treatment at Virginia Key Plant- RES.13357 sent to State Pollutn Bd. Financing dis- cussed. 20 Meeting date 8-13-71 8-18-71 8-18-71 8-23-71 SEWERS 32 Book Page2 Contract 52 -SR awarded to Higgins, Inc. 4/7/48 26 293 Contract 53 -SR awarded to Higgins, Inc. 1+/21/1+8 26 316 Council authorizes purchase of sewer pipe from Higgins Inc. in amount of 390096.00 7/7/48 26 1+32 Res. #6611 adopted, author- izing purchase of property in Biscayne Point for pumping station 7/21/48 26 456