Sewers_December 1949 to February 1951SEWERS Construction of sewer in vicinity of 69th St. and Abbott Ave. authorized - from 1949 Bond issue Mrs. Rose Pressman asked for additional storm shutters in Jefferson Ave. between 1st and 2nd Sts. Septic tank overflow line in w/half Block 48, Nor- mandy Shores Sub. con- struction approved 39 Book Page 12/7/49 29 85 6-14-50 29 411 9/20/50 30 74 SEWERS 40 Book Page Septic tank overflow line in Block 53, Nor. Golf Course Sub 10-26-50 30 127 Septic tank overflow lines to serve w/half Blk 49 and w/h Blk 53 Nor. Golf Course authorized 12-7-50 30 232 SEWERS 41 Book Page Extension of storm sewer line in vicinity of Espanola Way and Drexel Ave. authorized - estimated cost $1,798.50 2-7-51 30 360 Installation of septic tank overflow line to serve easterly half of Block 48, Nor. Golf Course Sub authorized and $1,787.50 authorized from CFS 2-21-51 30 399