Sewers_November 1952 to December 1953SEWERS 46
Book Page
$544.50 from Unappropriated Current
Funds authorized to cover cost of
constructing septic tank overflow
line in West Di Lido Dr 11-5-52 33 350
Installation of septic tank drain
authorized in rear of lots in Block
8, Rivo Alto Island 12-3-52 33 411
Construction 'of overflow line authorized
to- correct septic tank difficulty at
50 No. Hibiscus Dr., at cost of
$1,663.75 2-18-53 34 15
Extension of septic tank overflow
line to serve 520 E. Di Lido Dr.
authorized - S500.00 5-20-53
Res. #8521 authorizing City Mgr.
to submit plans for Belle Isle
sanitary sewers to State Board of
Health 9-i6-53
Construction of septietank overflow
line to serve 121 W. San Marino Dr.
authorized - $100.00 10-21-53
Book Page
34 278
35 36
35 112
Book Page
Construction of sanitary sewer line
at westerly end of Normandy Shores
authorized. (Part of project of
developer Gryzmish) City's share
$747.50, contract awarded to R. E. Vaughn
10-21-53 35 112
Construction of miscellaneous
storm and sanitary sewers (Cont. 85 -SR)
awarded to R. E. Vaughan, Inc., $6,365.00
12-2-53 35 217
Replacement of sanitary sewers in
LaGorce Drive deferred until spring.
(Contract to Higgins, Inc. on 10-7-53)
12-16-53 35 239