Sewers_October 1955 to August 1956SEWERS 52 Book Page $11,000 appropriation authorized for cost of installing 8" water main, 8" sewer force main, and 3" air line for sewer lift pumps, in advance of constructing the Sunset Islands Sanitary Sewer system. $5,000 to be charged against 1951 Water Reservoir bonds and $6,000 against Sewer Dept. ($6,000 to be temporarily advanced from current funds, to be reimbursed after 1955 sewer bonds are sold) 10-19-55 37 416 SEWERS 53 Book Page Low bidder on Biscayne Point Sanitary Sewer project authorized to buy pipe provided he is willing to give City assurance he will take the contract at his quoted price if Sewer Bonds are sold 2-15-56 38 65 Res. #9229 authorizing application to Fla. State Board of Health for approval of Venetian Island Sanitary Sewers plans 3-7-56 38 98 Res. #9250 applying to State Board of Health fora r val of Sanitary Sewers in Sunset Islands 4-18-56 38 160 SEWERS Mr. Lipp to check into breakage of driveways on Biscayne Pt. in connection with sewer installation 6-6-56 38 223 Res. #9282 authorizing agreement with Port Authority re. construction and maintenance of sanitary sewer system on Venetian Causeway extending from San Marino Island to Belle Isle 6-20-56 38 258 $135,000 appropriation authorized from Islands Sanitary Sewer bond funds, for construction of force main and airline for Venetian Islands Sanitary Sewer System and Sunset Islands 8-15-56 38 372 54 Book Page