Sewers-Sanitary & Storm_January to February 1972SEWERS- SANITARY & STORM 64 BOOK PAGE Res. 12612 authorizing appl. to U.S. Corps of Engrs. to extend existing sanitary outfall sys. 1/15/69 54 140 Res. #12634 Public Wks. Dir. to submit plans for replacing & enlarging existing gravity sanitary sewer facilities -69 St. from Indian Creek Dr. to Collins Av. & on Collins Ave. from 67 St. to 72 St. to State Bd. of Health. 2/13/69 Gravity sanitary sewer construction approved, expenditure of $215,000 from 1966 bond issue for constr. of facilities in 69th St. & Collins Ave. approved. 5/12/69 54 189 54 422 SEWERS - SANITARY & STORM 65 Book Page Res. #12758 authorized execution of agreement with Gerald B. Jameson re. sewer outfall construction. 6/4/69 54 479 re construction of sewers - Adm. recommended rejection of bids and would review for further action - Adm. requested to furnish construction time table prior to 8-20. Meeting date 8-6-69 SEWERS - SANITARY& STORM 69th St. report filed; more infor- mation required, to be presented prior 8-20-69 to 9-3-69. Bids rejected; City to proceed with construction; additional study prior to groundbreaking. 9-3-69 Use fee: proposed 7% fee eliminated. 9-30-69 $35,000. appropriated from 1966 Storm Sewer Bonds for drainage system at 2/2/72 North Coconut Lane, Palm Island 66 Meeting date