Sewers Users Fee_May to June 1980SEWER USER FEE
CommissionerWikler to review recent Commission
action regarding possible recovery from de-
velopers of City's capital costs in laying
sewer line through Fisher Island; and if au-
thorization to file suit was not given, to
bring matter back to Commission for direction.
Administration requested to submit report and
recommendations on options open to City on
tree trimming and solid waste disposal. Ad-
ministration instructed to give sufficient
publicity so as to notify property owners con-
cerning the new fee. (See Fisher's Island) 5/21/80
Memo #8234, ord. amending Sec. 45-20.2 of 6/18/80
Code of C.M.B. so as to increase sanitary
sewer service charge imposed by City upon all
premises within City connected to or using
facilities of City's sanitary sewer system from
15d per 1000 gallons of water delivered to con-
sumers to treat sewage to 56d per 1000 gallons
(1st reading 5/21/80). Hearing held and concluded.
Prior to second reading of ord., fee reduced
from 56d per 1M gallons, to 51d per 1M gallons,
Commissioner's Falk's alternate motion for re-
duction in fee, died for lack of a second.
Ord. No. 80-2212 adopted, as amended. Admini-
stration to submit a 6 months' status report on
effect of revised fee structure, as to whether
(continued) Date
it is adequate to fund City's costs. Com-
missioner Wikler requested City Atty. to submit
a report, for 8/6/80 meeting, as to whether
City is committed to using Va. Key facility,
in view of EPA approval given to other ocean-
front cities to institute a pilot program for
extension of outfall lines, and, if so, whether
City has any chance to seek redress because City
was denied same privilege. City Atty. advised
he was awaiting a ruling from courts as to
R.I.T.E. suit. Mayor Meyerson suggested to
Mr. Joseph Abelow that he contact City Mgr. to
review his suggested methods of reducing costs
relating to sewage transmission. (See Sewage 6/18/80