Sewers User Fee_June 1982 to December 1983SEWER USER FEE 11 (continued) Date Disposal and Treatment) 6/18/80 Memo 9242, request for direction to C. Att. to 9/16/81 either draft ord. increasing sewer charges or sue Water & Sewer Authority & Metro. Dade Co. challenging its increased charges to CME. C. Att. directed to file suit & authorized to retain accounting experts when required. (see WATER, METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY) Budget Adv. Com. recommendations re. 1982/83 pro- 9/14/82 posed budget. C. Mgr. encouraged to implement enter- prise funds for water, sewer, sanitation, golf, & tennis a.s.a.p. Comm. approved incr. in monthly residential garbage col. fees fr. $11.10 to SEWER USER FEE (Cont'd) $15.54, w/ord. action. (see Date 9/14/82 12 to' be submitted 10/6/82 for 1982/83 BUDGET, BUDGET ADV. COM., GOLF COURSES, RECREATION DEPT., GARBAGE & GARBAGE FEES, WATER) 12/7/83 Memo 785-83, ord. passed on 1st reading amdg R -5C Code §'s14A-11 and 45-11(c) to provide that water, sewer, & garbage bills & serv. chgs. shall be considered pd. upon date payt. is rec'd by CMB Finance Dept. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 12/21/83 at 2 p.m. (see WATER, GARBAGE & GARBAGE FEES) SEWER USER FEE Date 12/7/83 R -8K 12/21/83 R -3E 13 Memo 814-83, RFP 115-83, professional servs. for design & implementation of a utility enterprise syst. for water & sewer serv. Res. 83-17584 adopted, auth'g execution of agreement w/Touche Ross & Co. for professional consulting servs; tot. cost not to exceed $40,500. (see WATER) Hrg. held & concluded - Ord. 83-2397 adopted amdg. Code §14A-11 & 45-11(c), providing that water, sewer, & garbage bills & serv. chgs. shall be considered pd. upon date payt. is recd. by CMB Finance Dept.; to