Sewers User Fee_December 1983 to September 1985SEWER USER VE8 Date (Cont'd) 12/7/83 become effective 12/21/83. (see GARBAGE & R -3E GARBAGE FEES, WATER) 14 4/3/85 Memo 251-85, response to Touche Ross & Co.'s C -5G mtg. rev. rep. Fol. RFP's auth'd: 1. Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund rate development. (see AUDIT, WATER) 6/26/85 Memo 388-85, Res. 85-18110, auth'g execution C -4D of an agreement w/Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. as amd'd* for a water and sewer rate study (final rep. due 8/30/85); contr. amt: $15,936. Pub. Wks. Dir. auth. SEWER USER FEE 15 Date (Cont'd) 6/26/85 to issue change orders, reallocate budgeted C -4D items, and approve requests for addnl servs. w/in limits of project budget. *Prior to above action, proposed agreement amd'd to delete last sentence of Art. III - Comp. reading, "Sourly rates shall conform to the range specified in Attachment C, paragraph C.9." (see SEWAGE DISPOSAL & TREATMENT, WATER) 6/26/85 Rev. Memo 381-85, Res. 85-18114 adopted, R -7D amdg the FY 1984/85 budget fr. $65,288,876 to $65,456,776 ($16,000 for Water/Sewer rate study). (see 1984/85 BUDGET, WATER) $0W2A t ggik EEE 16 bate 9/11/85 Memo 506-85, ord.-pat-6-6a on 1st reading R -5A amdg. Code g's 45-4(a), 45-4(c), 45--4(d), 45-4(e), and 45-4(f) by incr'g the schedule of rates for water supply sere. to non-mun. consumers of water; incr'g rates for water meter testing and re -testing and other water meter servs.; incr'g max. monthly serv. charges. Hrg. & 2nd reading scheduled for 10/2/85 @ 2 p.m. Fred Jordan (Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc.) pres'd FY 1985/86 Water and Sewer Budget Expenditures, Revenues, and Recommended Water Tappigg Charges, commenting on the proposed chgs. in respect to the Enterprise Accts for water