Sewers Users Fee_September to October 1985SEW812 US2A P22 Sade ont'd) 9/11/85 R -5A 9/11/85 R -5B 17 and sewer. VM Shockett requested rep. - 9/18/85 as to amt. of water/sewer deposits, int. earned, and usage of int. Admin. to review procedures to improve collect'.ons of delinquent accts (LTC 174-85, filed w/mtg. records). (see WATER) Memo 507-85, ord. passed on 1st reading amdg Code §45-20.2, incr'g the sanitary sewer serv. chg. imposed upon premises connected to or using the City's sewer syst., fr. 780/1,000 gals. to 950/1,Q00 gals Hr & 2nd reading scheduled tor 0/2/85 ? 2 p.iu. SEWER USER F'EE 18 Date 10/2/85 M#507-85, hrg. held/concluded. Ord. 85-2492 R -3C adopted, amdg. Code §45-20.2 to incr. sanit. sewer serv. chg. on premises connect- ed to/using City's sanit. sewer syst., fr. 784 to 954 per thousand gal.; effective 10/12/85, appl. to accts. on/after 11/1/85.