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SideWalks_April 1935 to July 1939
SIDEWALKS 3. Book Page 3000 Sq.Yds.sidewalk repairs authorized 4/3/35 13 355 Sidewalk Assessment of $37.23 against Lot 9, Blk. 31, charged off. 5/19/37 16 100 $700.00 appropriated for reconstruct- ing sidewalk on Jefferson Ave. 6/7/37 16 129 $250.00 approprbated for sidewalk on south side of 43rd St.from Collins Ave. to ocean 8-20-37 16 239 SIDEWALKS 4 Book Page Construction of sidewalks on 78th, 80th and 86th Streets ordered and appropriation made 4-20-38 1-7 129 Objections filed by some property owners to above sidewalk construc- tion 4-27-38 17 129 _Petition filed against above side- walk construction 5-4-38 17 137 -Council agrees to proceed with side- _walk construction on 78th,80th and 86th Streets 50'4-38 17 137 SIDEWALKS City Manager authorized to proceed with construction of sidewalks in north end of City" 11/30/38_.-- 5 Book Page 17 369 C. G. Thompson asks that sidewalks be constructia on one sib only in — Alt©s fie) --Mar --lection 12/14/3g 17 39g — Petitions filed seeking sideway -con- struction in Altos Dal -iaar---and-Hardi-ng- Tow nsite section 2/1/39 17 469 Appro.of $200. for sidewalk in 69th Streit 7-19-39 18 167