Golf Course Contracts_November 1978 to March 1979GOLF COURSE CONTRACTS 50
(continued) Date
responsibility for these operations; and 2) be
permitted to erect a suitable structure at
Bayshore to house golf carts, with $5,000 (approx.)
which was to be utilized for a canvas -topped shel-
ter for this purpose, to be applied toward cost of
building (not to exceed $30,000), and initial ex-
penditure to be made by concessionaire, to be
amortized over 5 -yr. term of concession contract.
Commission approved request to sublet restaurant
facilities, subject to terms stipulated in offer,
and authorized preparation of appropriate amend-
ment to existing agreement. Commission approved
concept of proposal to construct the building and
directed City Mgr. to review plans, specifications,
and costs of proposed structure with a view to 11/1/78
(continued) Date
making certain that City's requirements are met.
City Mgr. was authorized to exercise his dis-
cretion in manner of repayment of proposed
$25,000 expenditure, and City Atty. is to pre-
pare amendments to contract accordingly for
Commission's consideration at Nov. 15, 1978
meeting. Administration directed to be alert
to any tax advantage Marion Recreation Corp.,
may derive from computing cost and value and
proportioning it out, and any other considera-
tion of the type that would reduce cost to tax-
payers providing this structure. (See Golf
Courses) 11/1/78
Memo #7275, assorted chemicals for weed and
insect control at Golf Courses,bid amount:
$8,008.50. Awarded to W. R. Grace Co., item
1, quoting $2,040.00; and Southern Mill Creek
Products, items 2 thru 5, quoting $5,968.50.
Memo #7294, purchase of 235 tons assorted
fertilizers for Golf Courses, bid amount:
$29,508.70 awarded, 1) Hector Turf & Garden -
$9,382.50; 2 Superior Fertilizer -$15,843.60;
3) FEC Fertilizer -$2,233.00; 4) Atlantic
Fertilizer -$2,049.60.
Memo #7361, assorted Golf Course maintenance 3/7/79
equipment, bid amount: $19,538.00. Awarded,