Golf Course Contracts_February 1973 to March 1975GOLF COURSE CONTRACTS 53
(continued) Date
Hector Turf and Garden, Inc., 1 Greensmower
@$5,290 and 1 Aerifier @ $3,950, total $9,240;
DeBra Turf and Industrial Equipment Co., 2 ea.
7 -gang mower units @ $5,149 ea., total $10,298. 3/7/79
Memo #7432, increased golf cart rates - Norman- 4/4/79
dy and Bayshore Golf Courses. Commissioner
Friedman's motion to deny request because pro-
posed increase is over 7% guidelines established
by President Carter, died for lack of a second.
Fees of $11 for 18 holes and $6 for 9 holes,
approved. Commissioner Weinstein asked Admini-
stration to review concession operation with
respect to quality of service and food at both
golf courses.
Meeting Date
Hauling various coarse aggregates, sand, etc.
from various locations to CMB -1 yr. to lowest
bidders, with alternate sources to be used
if equipment of lower bidder not available
when needed. $10,000.) 2/7/73
Memo #5016, Hauling various coarse aggregates,
sand, etc., from various locations to CMB for
1 yr period from date of award. Awarded Garcia
Equipment Corp., base award 12 locations, al-
ternate award 13 locations; Austin Tuplier
Trucking, base award 15 locations, alternate
award 10 locations; estimated expenditure
$12,000.00. (Base award includes 2 tie bids.) 3/12/75