Hauling_March 1976 to June 1979HAULING 2
Memo #5586, hauling coarse aggregates for 3/17/76
1 yr., awarded A. J. House and Sons, Inc.
estimated annual expenditure $12,000.00.
Memo #6249, hauling of coarse aggregates for 4/6/77
1 yr. awarded A.J. House & Sons, lowest over-
all bidder, with alternate award to Austin
Tupler Trucking should base bidder be unable
to comply with insurance or delivery require-
Memo #6875, Commission approved Administra-
tion's recommendation to: 1) reject all bids
re: hauling various coarse aggregates; 2) pur-
chase aggregates from Dade Co., contract, pro-
viding hauling from most pits on cost per
(continued) Date
ton/mile basis; and 3) re -bid hauling from 2
pits that do not deliver. 5/17/78
Memo #6942, contract for hauling of various 6/28/78
coarse aggregates, etc. for 1 -yr. period from
various pit locations to locations within CMB
(rebid of bid No. 42-78), bid amount: $6,000
(estimated). Awarded, A.J. House & Sons, Inc.,
to be funded from budgeted funds of using
agencies and various Community Development and
Bond Fund projects.
Memo #7516, hauling of coarse aggregates, etc., 6/6/79
for a 1 -yr. period, from various pit locations
to locations within C.M.B., bid amount:$10,000.00.