HardWare Requirements (General)_February 1968 to May 1979HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS (GENERAL) Contracts awarded for hardware requirements to various low bidders. 2-7-68 7 BOOK PAGE 52 549 Bid #311 to low bidders listed in Council 1emo. #1974, totalling $31,054.45 3/19/69 54 307 Meeting date -for 1 yr. for Central Stores warehouse, to lowest bidders. 2-18-70 HARDWARE -for 1 yr - Memo 3032 - $62,146.82. 8 Meeting date 5-18-71 -for 1 yr. period - as recommended by Administration to lowest and best bidders authorizing Purchasing Agent to award to next higher bidder if any of awarded items fail to perform under actual usage (Estimated $40,769.14) 6/2S/72 Electrical hardware for a 1 yr. period to Electrical Distr. SE, Inc. Memo 4071 miscellaneous hardware for a 1 -yr. period awarded, as recommended, low bidders. 6/29/73 6/29/73 HARDWARE (CONTRACTS) 9 Date Fasteners for warehouse stock(nuts,bolts,etc., approx. 300,000), awarded: Lots Nos. A,B - Inter- state Screw Corp.,$470.70; Lot Nos. C',K - Miami Bolt & Screw Co., $269.70; Lot Nos. D,E,F,G,H,I, J, L, M - Atlas Bolt & Screw, $5,723.42. Total amt.of bid, $6,463.82 (Memo 4723) 9/4/74 Memo #7476, Community Development Project for 5/2/79 installation of security hardware for Fourth Year Funded Pilot, Anti -burglary project, bid amount:$14,764.70. Awarded to Robert P. Scally, with alternate award to second bidder should lowest bidder fail to meet insurance requirements or Federal guidelines. (See Housing & Community Development Act of 1974)