Signs_January to April 1979SIGNS 149 (continued) Date to Zoning Ord. 1891. Motion for passage of reso- lution calling a public hearing on 2/7/79 to con- sider Planning Brd's recommendation, failed of passage. (Excerpt of discussion to be forwarded to affected departments for information and guidance). (See Zoning, Planning Commission) 1/3/79 Memo #7288, request for approval for non -con- 1/3/79 forming sign at Flagler Federal S & L located at 750 - 41st St. Deferred at request of Flagler Federal S & L. Memo #7288, issuance of permit for erection of sign authorized, at Flagler ederal S & L Assoc., at 750- 41st St., with stipulation that should SIGNS (continued) it be determined to be inconsistent with 41st St. Revitalization Plan, upon such notification, sign is to be removed within 30 days. (Deferred from 1/3/79) 1/17/79 150 Date 1/1/7/79 Memo #7309, request for proposed entrance sign 1/17/79 at Mount Sinai Medical Center. Issuance of permit for erection of non -conforming sign, authorized. Memo #7341, request for Commission approval of a 2/7/79 sign at 948 - 41st St., Miami Beach Realty Corpo- ration. Referred to Administration for further discussion with applicant. SIGNS 151 Date Memo #7439, request for Commission approval for 4/4/79 erection of a sign to be located at 948 - 41st St. Deferred to April 25, 1979 meeting for a full Commission. (ADD ON) Memo #7441, request for approval of 4/4/79 sign at 1920 Meridian Ave., M.B. Chamber of Commerce building. Proposed sign totalling 30 sq. ft., with maximum letter size of 14 inches, approved. Mr. Ted Kanov, owner of Beach Motel, 8601 Harding Ave., appeared and requested consider- ation of an amendment to sign regulations so as to permit advertising of rates on exterior 4/4/79