Sister Cities_February 1978 to August 1979SISTER CITIES 3 (continued) Date (sister city to M.B.) who is here on official business. 2/15/78 Mayor Haber advised that City of Santa Marta, 10/4/78 Colombia, is interested in becoming a sister - city to Miami Beach. Commission voiced approval and authorized the Mayor to complete the neces- sary arrangements prior to final Commission action. Mayor Haber rendered an oral report that his 2/7/79 trip to the proposed sister city, Santa Marta, Colombia was successful and that a formal re- port will be provided to the Commissioners. SISTER CITIES 4 Date Mayor Haber rendered an oral report regarding 2/21/79 his trip to the proposed Sister City, Santa Marta, Columbia. Res. #79-15838 adopted, ex- tending an invitation to Santa Marta to par- titipate with the CMB, as its Sister City, in the National "People to People" Program. City Mgr. advised he is asking all City departments to report whether they have any equipment that can be designated as surplus for this program. Mayor Haber announced that he will be leaving 3/21/79 on a trip to Israel on March 25, 1979 and would visit the City's sister city Ramat -Gan and major cities in Israel. (See Mayor Haber) SISTER CITIES MISCELLANEOUS INSTRUMENT NO. 56 - release waiver & covenant not to sue, dated July 25, 1979, by Jill Flanter of Miami, Florida, who is going to Santa Marta, Colombia, to participate in a water skiing competition event, on her own. 5 Date Received July 25, 1979 in City Clerk's office. 7/25/79 (See Misc. in Numerial Index Deed File in vault) Keys to City presented to visiting Mayor and 8/1/79 Mrs. Peled of sister -city Ramat Gan, in Israel.