Sixteenth Street-Closing_September 1973 to January 1975SIXTEENTH STREET - CLOSING
Res. #73-14125 ado ted, calling Special
Election on 11/b/73 for submission of follow-
ing Bond Issues to electorate for approval:
Extension of 16 St. between Washington &
Collins Ave. . . . . . . . . . . . $650,000
Res. #73-14220 adopted, authorizing court
validation and issuance of negotiable coupon
bonds in amount of $6,900,000 for purposes
authorized at 11/6/73 election.
Memo #4912, Res. #74-14584 adopted, authorizing 12/18/74
sale of validated General Obligation Bonds in
the amount of $15,150,000 as follows:
(continued) Date
Series 4 - Extend 16th Street, Washington Ave.
to Collins Ave., - $650,000.
A motion to approve the sale of above General
Obligation Bonds in the amount of $650,000
failed of passage.
City Mgr. advised that this extension has been
recommended by City's Consultants and that he
would furnish Council with extracts from the
Wilbur Smith and John Beyer studies and re -present
this at the January 8, 1975 meeting. 12/18/74
Following discussion of extension of 16th St. 1/8/75
from Washington Ave. to Collins Ave., action
deferred indefinitely on the matter.