Smith,Wilbur & Associates_December 1955 to April 1957Srn, -On, )avti A siSC:k. ES. SMITH, WILBUR & ASSOCIATES Book Page Employment of firm of Wilbur Smith & Associates authorized, to make survey of traffic signals in the City of Miami Beach 12-7-55 37 483 Employment of Wilbur Smith it Associates authorized, to make survey and report in connection with Parking System for sinking fund year ending 12/31/55. 12-7-55 37 484 Statement of Wilbur Smith & Associates, amount $3,850.00, full payment for professional services in connection with survey of traffic signals, as per agreement dated Nov. 2, 1955, approved for payment 11-21-56 38 525 SMITH, WILBUR & ASSOCIATES Book Page Wilbur Smith & Associates to make annual traffic engineering survey of Parking System for Sinking Fund year ending Dec. 31, 1956, for sum of $850.00 12-5-56 39 21 Res. #9373 endorsing Inter -State portion of Wilbur Smith & Associate's Expressway Plan for Metropolitan Miami as endorsed by the engineers' committee 12-19-56 39 35 Statement of Wilbur Smith and Associates amt. 5850.00 for preparation oannua repor� on off' -street parking system, approved 4-3-57 39 207