Social Security_May 1955 to May 1967:0.t Se�,xor� SOCIAL SECURITY 1st reading ordinance providing for social security coverage for employees not under existing pension systems 5-4-55 37 151 3rd reading ordinance re. above. Ord. #1163 5-18-55 37 172 1st reading ordinance extending Social Security coverage to part-time employees 1-15-58 40 229 3rd reading ordinance extendingocial Security coverage to part --time eTnplo ees #1289 2-5-58 y 40 267 Book Page SOCIAL SECURITY Book 'Page No action on request of American Federation of Senior Citizens of Greater Miami to petition Congress and Senators to support legislation providing for increase of at least $25.00 per month in all Social Security benefits. 10-16-63 46 226 Res. #12109 adopted in connection with Proclamation by President naming May "Senior Citizens Month", and urging Congress to adopt President's recommendation to increase social security benefits. 5-3-67 51 570