Social Services_July 1974 to September 1976Ctl�-12vJ;CC;{ SOCIAL SERVICES 1 Meeting Date Mr. Charles Gunches appeared with regard 7/10/74 to a communication he sent to Councilman Dr. Wikler on 6/21/74, with copies to each Councilman, the City Attorney and the City Manager, re: charges concerning the Social Services Division. He said that inasmuch as he has not received a response, he was advising the Council that it was his in- tention to pursue the matter further. Memo #5869,authorizing execution of contrac- 9/1/76 tual agreement for Mrs. Frances Katz, Social Services Worker in City's Social Service Division, withdrawn by City Manager. SOCIAL SERVICES 2 Date Memo #5933, Res. #76-15169 adopted, authorizing 10/20/76 execution of contractual agreement with Mrs. Frances Katz, Social Services Worker, in Social Service Division of CMB, at $5.75 per hour, at a maximum of 32 hours per week, for 1 yr. beginning Oct. 1, 1976 and ending Sept. 30, 1977. Per re- marks of Mrs. G. Nash on this matter, Administra- tion requested to investigate Mrs. Katz's alleged mishandling of money, and to submit complete report.