Highway Contracts_October 1959 to May 1960HIGHWAY CONTRACTS
Contract for pit rock for portion of
HN -298, Alton Rd. from W.37th to W.51st
awarded to A. J. Capeletti, Inc.,
$40,320.00 10-7-59 42 325
Book Page
Contract for asphaltic concrete for
portion of HN -298 awarded to Pan Amer.
Construction Co., $25,501.25
11-4-59 42 350
Contract for pit rock for H-474 awarded
to Cutler Ridge Construction Corp., $430.00
1-6-60 42 426
Contract for asphaltic concrete
wearing surface for H-474; PA -35
and PA -36 awarded to Pan American
Construction Co., $2,484.00
1-6-6o 42 426
Contract forcurb and gutter and curb
for portion of Highway Improvement HN -298,
Alton Rd. from W.51st St. to W.63rd St.
awarded to John C. Peterson Const. Corp.,
$40,702.00 3-30-60 43 42
Contract for pit rock for HN -298
awarded to Metro Rock, Inc. $35,875.00
3-30-60 43 42
Book Page
Book Page
Contract for asphaltic concrete for
portion of HN -298 awarded to Pan
American Construction, $26,310.25
4-20-60 43 62
Contract for pit rock for H-451,
H-454, H-455, H-456, H-458, H-459,
H-460, H-461, and H-463 awarded to
L. C. Morris, $19,900.00 5-18-60 43 85
Contract for asphaltic concrete
wearing surface for H-451, H-454, H-455,
H-456, H-458, H-459, H-460, H-461 and
H-463 awarded to Pan American
Construction Co. $20,600 5-18-60 43 85