Solar Energy_June 1979,SOLAR ENERGY 6
Discussion of alternative methods of funding 6/6/79
Energy Development Research (requested at
5/16/79 meeting). City Atty. advised of study
given by members of his and City Mgr's staff
as to possible methods of funding by actually
bidding out a contract, or by entering into a
straight retainer contract with California
company in question and paying them a fee to
lobby before Congress. He again expressed
opinion that it would be questionable as to
whether or not this funding would generate
any direct benefit to City. No specific ac-
tion was taken, Mayor Haber indicating that if
any member of Commission wished to move this
along at next Commission meeting, it could be
(continued) Date
done. Commissioner Wikler expressed satisfac-
tion with City Mgr's report re: study given
regarding utilization of a full-time lobbyist
in Washington, Mgr's report concluding with
comment that he had not seen the individuals
who could bring home, on a cost-effective
basis, money to offset the immediate expendi-
tures. (See U. S. Government, Lobbyist) 6/6/79
Mr. Harry Plissner and Dr. Howard P. Harrenstein, 6/20/79
Chairman of Dept. of Civil Engineering, U. of
Miami, appeared and briefly reviewed plan for
proposed development of a demonstration model
for solar pond energy. Mr. Plissner suggested
use of city -owned property on Pine Tree Drive
(continued) Date
north of Metropolitan Art Museum as the site.
City Atty. was requested to render an opinion
as to whether proposed use of land would be
permissible under terms of bond issue. Ad-
ministration is to furnish report as to what
other City property might be considered as an
alternate site. Commissioner Weisburd advised
that Energy Committee has requested U. of Miami
and Fla. Power & Light to draft a joint agree-
ment to explore this concept for Committee's
consideration and ultimate recommendation to
City Commission. (See U. of Miami, Fla. Power
& Light Co.) 6/20/79