Solicitations_May 1958 to April 1960SOLICITATIONS
Councilman Liberman reappoints Dr.
Oscar S. Ruskin to Advisory Board for
2 yr. term, expiring 3/28/60.
5-28-58 40 446
Book Page
Appointments to Solicitations
Advisory Board made:
Harry Sonz Reappointment
William Glick
Mrs. Rose Kossover it
Richard J. Welsh Appointment
Clifford Straus
All terms expire March 28, 1960.
6-4-58 4o 462
Leo Solomon appointed to Solicitations
Advisor Board for term expiring
March 28, 1960 8-20-58 41 68
Saul Weingarten appointed to
Solicitations Advisory Committee
to fill unexpired term of Clifford
Straus who resigned. 10-15-58 41 172
R. J. Welsh resigns from Solicitations
Advisory Committee. Elaine Arrow
appointed to fill vacancy; her term
expires March 28, 1960.
12-3-58 41 244
Dr. J. A. Greenhouse a ointed member
of Solicitations Committee to fill
unexpired term of Leo Solomon who
resigned 2-25-59 41 415
Book Page
Action deferred on appointments to
Solicitations Advisory Board until
next meeting. 3-16-60 43 29
Appointments: Terms expire 3/28/62
William Glick reappointment
Dr. Oscar S. Ruskin
Dr. J. A. Greenhouse
Mrs. Edythe Trent
Mrs. Fay Koch appointment
Saul Weingarten reappointment by Mr. Lipp
Elaine Arrow " by Mr. Lipp
Book Page
2 appointments deferred.
4-6-6o 43 56
4-6-6o 43 56